Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Most Motivational Video for Success in Life and Business MUST WATCH!

What do you believe? What is your focus? Just decide what you want to be and be it. Believe it and Focus on it!!!!

Friday, May 9, 2014

High Vibrational Diet with Dan "The Life Regenerator" McDonald & Yulia.

Fruits contain the highest food vibration

how to find the power within you and not absorb other people negative energy

How to find the power within you and not absorb other people energy
We are energy and within us is a God power.  That God power always shared among you and others around you, being aware of this power is the first step to harness this power. 
When you harness this power, your desires come true.  Begin maintaining your own energy by understanding the following:
  1. You can’t please everyone (please love me, please be my friend…don’t have this attitude this depletes your energy)
  2. Choose whether you want involvement with a person. (In conversation, in environment, etc.)
  3. Do not pay attention to things that are not in your desire path, only focus on your ideas and dreams that you want to achieve (energy is money)
  4. Do not allow anyone else to give you value. Know your worth and value. (don’t be a trash can for conversation for other people)
  5. Breathe, dance, sing and spend more time in nature to increase your energy (when you breathe you speed up your vibration)
  6. Keep your head up. Don’t walk with your head down (walking with your head down depletes your energy)
  7. Take responsibility for your emotions and feelings; always ask yourself how do I feel?
“And you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season.”
Place yourself in environments that boost your energy not drain it.  The main question, Is this person making me feel good?  The power lies within you.  You are worth it spend your time in ways that make you happy.  Reduce
your television time (television can affect emotions, subliminally) Television reduces focus.  Watch what you eat.  Food determines mood or emotions. http://blissreturned.wordpress.com/2012/02/03/vibrations-vibrational-frequencies-and-food/
Foods have vibrations that affect your thought process. Take walks along the ocean or lake.  The salt in the water replenishes energy. Live, breath and Enjoy..God Bless Aurelia

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Russell Simmons: Happiness and Transcendental Meditation

Stuart Wilde - The Mastery of Money.avi

 a must view video. explains simply your life and existence.  explains simply money and the law of attraction.  Service is the best way to unleash the God power within you.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Michael Jordan 's Wisdom (Rare Interviews)

Jordan talks about the opportunity of failure.  His success is legendary because his failures you saw as a success but that was him just not giving up until he became great.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Love and Gratitude

Hello today I want to talk about some statistics.  Statistics of thoughts.

It is stated that we have 60,000 thoughts per day and most of these thoughts are not being managed properly.  In other words some people just allow themselves think whatever comes to their mind.  Or accept whatever thought comes to their mind.  It is your responsibility to manage the 60,000 thoughts per day that come to your mind.

You have the power to make these thoughts what you want them to be.  You don't have to accept arbitrary thoughts just floating thru the passage ways of your mind.  Take every thought captive.  This probably at this point is unbelievable to most of you but it's true.  Managing the thoughts in our mind need to be the priority of our day. It is our thoughts that create or reality.  If you want to improve your life manage the 60,000 thoughts that God allows you to have everyday. 

Another statistic, if out of the 60,000 thoughts that you have everyday if you can manage at least 80 percent of these thoughts to be about love and gratitude this is the key to opening the windows of heaven.  Or changing the reality of your life for the better. 80 percent of 60,000 thoughts is thinking love and gratitude for about 19.2 hours per day.  If you can do this consistently for about 5 to 7 days, it has been documented that your life will change 1000 times for the better.

Ways in which you can do this are the following:
1.  every hour of the day be grateful for something or say something loving

2. Say a gratitude or love affirmation through out the day.

I give you a love affirmation for today and that is "I am surrounded by love and everything is fine'

God Bless.  Aurelia

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Beyonce-Rolling On The River!

Today we are featuring a video inspiration.  Tina Turner received a performance honor at the Kennedy Center and this is Beyoncé performing tribute to Tina Turner.  Enjoy!! Aurelia

Friday, January 3, 2014

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Million Dollar Meditation

Meditation for the Soul
3 John 1:2

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.

The key to success is to remove the roadblock of the soul.  Let us begin 2014 with great thoughts of blessings, encouragement, peace, love and prosperity. This featured video intends to prosper the soul, so you may live with good health, great wealth and happiness.

God Bless. Aurelia Perry